
February Events


Dates for your diaries, booking links and more details will be added 7-10 days in advance of each event date.


Sunday 16th February, a Hop on - Hike Off, a public transport friendly with the DMP Volunteer Rangers from Marlay Park to Fairy Castle.


Wednesday 19th February, a family friendly forest bathing session with DanĂș and the DMP Volunteer Rangers in Cruagh Wood. 


Wednesday 19th February at 19:30, Dublin Mountains Archaeology Webinar.  A webinar with archaeologist Neil Jackman who will discuss the archaeology and stories of the Dublin uplands. This webinar is an output of the Dublin Mountains Community Archaeology Project 2024 which is an initiative of DĂșn Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council dlr Heritage Events South Dublin County Council and the Dublin Mountains Partnership with support from The Heritage Council. It is delivered by Abarta Heritage and Archaeology and Built Heritage.

Places are limited, so please click on this Eventbrite link to sign up.


Saturday 22nd February, a dog friendly hike with the DMP Volunteer Rangers.   





Archaeology Sites in the Dublin Mountains

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